Initial Post

Home of the net's worst HTML and CSS!


We're so fucking back.

It's been a while since I've typed up much of anything coherent so pardon me if I sound disjointed, but hoo-fucking-ray the blog is back and looking better than ever. I've taken a lot of time lately to work on my image since I'd started feeling dissatisfied with my (to be fair, on purpose) shitty website layout and wanted to RETVRN to my previous site layout. So I did; then I kept chipping away at it.

Anyway, here we are with a brand new homepage; a beautiful blog; and a lot of new branding to match (thank you to Wikipedia and the Creative Commons for supplying more than I would ever care to admit, and to Nyx for being so kind as to let me plunder her code on Unlife blind for this blog (snitches get stitches).). I've not been in work lately so I have more time to focus on my creative and intellectual endeavors (read: my bullshit) and get to generally do what I please; it also means I do not have an income. If you'd like to chip in you can purchase my albums here, send me currency here and view my commission info here.

That's enough manually typing all this HTML as I write these paragraphs for now. Check out my latest tape W1TCHSTYL3 if you haven't already. Additionally, the 1 year anniversary for LILITH WORSHIP MUSICK is coming up on the 20th so I'll try to write something to celebrate it since it meant a lot to me*.